General Question
Mailing Address
Dothan Area Cyclists, LLC
1600 N. Cherokee Avenue
Dothan AL 36303
Get In Touch With Us
Cycling Safety
It may take time to ensure a proper helmet fit, but your life is worth it. But it’s equally important that you ensure a proper fit so your helmet can best protect you.
Ride Predictable
When riding in traffic, avoid weaving in and out of the "parking lane". Instead, maintain your line of travel, remaining as far right as is safe.
Road Hazards
Continually scan for hazards that could cause you to lose control. In wet conditions, give yourself extra room to stop. When crossing slippery surfaces avoid braking or turning.
Hand Signals
Use hand and verbal signals to communicate with members of the group and with other traffic.
If carrying a cell phone, have “1ICE” (1st person to call in case of emergency) at the top of your Contact list. First responders look for this number on cell phones.
Be Visible
Wear brightly colored clothing and install lights and reflectors on your bicycle.